Saturday, April 11, 2009

Arrival: Shanghai

At 2:00 p.m. (local time) on Saturday, April 11th our group landed in Shanghai, China, for the start of a two-week study tour. After first flying from Boston to Chicago, we braved the 14 hour trip to Shanghai - with the help of movies, magazines, and plenty of water. Here's Ralph just before we board the plane:

On the bus to our hotel, we reviewed Chinese numbers with trip leader Aloe and learned a bit about the history of Shanghai from our guide John.

Tomorrow we will wake up refreshed and ready for a full day: one particularly exciting part of tomorrow will be a visit to the Lu Xun Park with a special lecture from Ma Yuanxi on the Chinese writer for whom the park is named.


  1. Great blog --glad you have arrived safely. No lag time for this group-Gloomy chilly Boston weather left behind. Have a happy Easter. Andy Platt

  2. Glad you all arrived safely. Have a wonderful time in Shanghai. All of us at Primary Source can´t wait to hear about your adventures.
    -Julia, PS staff

  3. Happy to hear all is going well so far! I wanted to give a shout out to my girl Kathy Womersley. I'm thinking of you and will be checking in with the blog to see how everything's going. Wishing everybody an amazing adventure!

  4. You made it!!! Glad everyone arrived safe and sound. To Kathleen Womersley...we miss you already! Lots of love to you from your friends back here in Boston.


    Cinder, Bailey, Studley and Puppy


  5. Hey Allison - Can't wait to hear about your trip! How exciting!! :)


  6. Why aren't there pictures of Mrs. Bernardi????

  7. auntie cailleen,
    hope that you are having a great time in china!! i can't wait untill you come home. don't forget learn a lot, eat great food, and bring me back a gift!! haha -love you kelly:) (cailleen bernardi's niece kelly age 12)

  8. thats nice....china rocks!
